Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Hunger Games

Have you heard about these books? I may be a little behind the times here because I would have thought there would be soooo much more written about them!

Over break, I noticed that a Facebook friend (whose reading opinions I value) commented that she was reading the first book of the series and was addicted. I couldn't get her comment out of my head, so I headed to Target to get it. I brought it home, started reading and from page 1 was totally and completely sucked in. The kids saw me, reported that kids at school (yes, it is "geared" toward the 11+ crowd) loved the books, and they all wanted to read it too. They even offered up their own hard earned cash to get a copy for themselves! Being that my kids aren't the avid readers I had hoped for them to be, I was so happy. Off to Target I went again.

I am now on the final book of the series - book 3. Amazing.

A true testament is that I fell asleep while reading the first one, and the King picked it up. The King is a periodical reader (magazines, newspapers, junk mail...) but books? Not so much. The next morning though, he told me he was hooked! And he left on a business trip today and asked the kids if he could take it with him! Now if that isn't a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is!

Has anyone else read them? What did you think?


Anonymous said...

really good book im almost done 60 pages to go


Jen said...

Shannon loved the books, and while I tried to read the first one, I couldn't get into it. I may have to give it a second chance...

cathy said...

What is the genre? Ben is a crazy reader and I'm always looking for something but he likes the science-fiction/fantasy stuff.

Lisa Haass said...

Cathy - he would love them. Take place in the future after something bad happens to North America, and it is kind of like the Running Man - bunch of people compete to the death....a little gory in some spots, a little kissing between the two main characters, but nothing gross.

cathy said...

I'll have to get it. Too bad Target is like 87 miles away.