Wednesday, October 8, 2008

He Speaks

The King, aka "The Blogger of Truth" wants me to add some additional details about Liv's home run on Saturday.

What he'd like made clear is that this was not a bobbled ball that resulted in a homer, there was no through the legs mistake in the outfield that allowed this ball to make a slow return to the infield.

As you can see in the above picture, this ball was hit hard. Really hard. Hard enough that it flew into the outfield, landed and then hit the fence before anyone could even get near it.

So folks, I've done what the King asked. Thanks for bearing with me.


Jen said...

Hahaha, that was awesome!

Anonymous said...

King...we never thought it went any other way...

Krissa said...

That was a real homer... a true RED SOX kind of home run!! (Had to get the Yankees dig in.. sorry, Dan!! :)

ALF said...

Way to go on the home run!